
Background apps closing with power-saving settings disabled.

Opened this issue · 5 comments


Xperia 5 IV (XQ-CQ62)

Kernel version:

64.0.H.11.9 release-keys

Android version:


The issue and steps to reproduce the issue:

Having various issues with this handset, but the most severe is background apps closing (without crash dialog (with "Always show crash dialog" & "Show background ANRs" enabled)). This issue is not just affecting me as a simple google search can locate others. A reddit post of someone with a similar issue: Link
It's a complicated thing to reproduce but my solid method for testing would be using FFmpeg using the command zscale=t=linear:npl=111,format=gbrpf32le,zscale=p=bt709,tonemap=tonemap=hable:desat=0,zscale=t=bt709:m=bt709:r=tv,format=yuv420p -c:v libx265 -crf 10 -preset ultrafast on a HDR video file from CinemaPro. I apologize, I cannot add too much commentary on what could be the specific cause of this issue, maybe the phone running out of ram, or aggressive background execution, maybe an anti-overheating protocol? I've tried several different things to correct this issue such as: disabling every single battery saving setting (Adaptive Battery: Disabled, STAMINA: Disabled) and tried disabling: "Suspend execution for cached apps." Nothing works. Regardless of what I do, certain processes and tasks will end up "killing" background apps and it's not always super intensive apps like FFmpeg.

All I know is that my breaking point was when I was typing a text message and having Spotify and Gboard both force close by the operating system. Nothing intensive was occurring at that time, but it's impossible to reproduce. I'm coming from a 4 year old OnePlus 6 and I've never had problems like that, even now in 2022. I'm currently in talks with support about getting a refund for the phone as I do not believe it is a hardware issue. I want to keep this phone. It's the only one on the market that checks all of my boxes but I will have to return it if a fix isn't put out before my refund period ends. There is no reason for Sony to be putting out devices that are untested, and fundamentally unfinished like this.

Besides this issue I'm currently experiencing as well: 5G/LTE network loss (reboot required constantly), Phone unable to sustain 120Hz for more than 20 seconds, GPS symbol permanently stuck in the notification tray, Apps crashing/force closing in the foreground.

Not sure how to submit logs but if there is any instructions how to do so I'll do my best to provide.

Just a random update. I believe the issue can be reproduced if the user opens multiple applications in quick succession. Playing music via Spotify and then having some applications booting and running minor tasks at the same time will force close Spotify and other demanding apps.

This is not an AOSP related bug. I forwarded the information to another team.

@SirLostSpirit you can create the reports here and I will forward them to the team

Has this issue been resolved internally @jerpelea?