
Provide driving interface information

maxbechtold opened this issue · 2 comments

The ingame cars differ somewhat in the driving interfaces and controls, particularly in

  • whether there's a handbrake
  • the shifting controls (single/dual paddels, stick, H-pattern shifter)
  • clutch pedal (or button) vs. automatic clutch
  • number of gears

In order to be as accurate as possible in the simulation, I'd like see that information for the currently selected car.

It's cumbersome to switch from the running game to the console window of dirt-rally-time-recorder, as DiRT Rally pauses and switches to windowed mode. Full-screen overlays proved difficult and probably require manipulating game *.dll files, which might result in VAC bans or similar ramifications.

What if could use a smartphone as a Second Screen, that is linked to dirt-rally-time-recorder and gets push notifications about interesting events such as driving interface details? If shown on the lock screen, this requires little to no interaction with the phone and an undisturbed simulation experience.

This could be an Android native app, or perhaps Flutter-based to allow including iPhones.

Interesting resources:

#30 relates.

I'm closing this, I don't feel it is worth the effort (introducing new platform/distribution for app). For VR, this is no solution either.