Animator.GotoState: State Could not be found UnityEngine.Animator:Play (int, int)
travisengh opened this issue · 1 comments
I keep getting this error when I try to view animations on any species of character other than the one it starts out with:
Animator.GotoState: State could not be found
UnityEngine.Animator:Play (int,int)
SPUM_AnimationController/<>c__DisplayClass13_0:b__0 () (at Assets/SPUM/Script/SPUM_AnimationController.cs:75)
SPUM_AnimationController/<>c__DisplayClass15_0:b__0 () (at Assets/SPUM/Script/SPUM_AnimationController.cs:92)
UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update ()
All species show up and I paid for this, so there is no reason I should not be able to use species other than the whitest character. Once I get the error, I cannot even view animations on that character either.
@blueleafgamedev I'm having that same exact issue.
The good thing is you can still use them all in a Unity project, they just won't show the animations in the tool. You can export the broken character and assign the "AnimationNewController" to the prefabs UnitRoot -> Animator -> Controller. The AnimationNewController is in SPUM -> Res -> Animation.
version: 160