
Make the state class _GNavState public

robertmrobo opened this issue · 12 comments

I would like to use the state in a Global Key and access it from different widgets like the Navigation Drawer so that when the user clicks on a menu item on the navigation drawer, the bottom navigation drawer can auto animate to the selected menu.

YDA93 commented

Exact issue i was looking for.

@YDA93 Hi there, i would suggest you to change Gnav.selectedIndex instead of modifying the actual navbar state directly. There's an example showing how changing tabpage trigger Gnav to change selectedIndex

YDA93 commented

I control my tabs through router which allows me to change tabs from any widget I want.
The problem with this package is I can't change the nav bar state from another deep widgets unless I use some notifiers which is requesting more work for a simple thing.

Normally most drawers and nav bars in flutter uses a key for this purpose.

Please consider it as feature request.

Thank you! @sooxt98

@YDA93 sorry i can't, i won't promoting people to wring bad codes, which is a bad design pattern which use state globally

YDA93 commented

@sooxt98 This package is beautifully designed but is limited when it comes to this.

convex_bottom_bar has flutter favorite badge and it use global state.

It doesn't make sense.

@YDA93 please read this
If you want this feature, you may fork it yourself, or use some hack like getx, get_it, bloc, flutter_redux, mobx

YDA93 commented

After I have read all your references and understand from where you're coming from.

When I were saying "Global state" I was wrong.

I haven't made any single Global variable, state in the PR.

I made the class to be Public which is very different.

Meaning I cannot access it globally unless I attach global key to it:
static final appBarKey = GlobalKey<GNavState>();

Users of this package can decide if they wish to use global key to control the state, Flutter already gave us null safety to check the state existence.

Plus I made it possible to access the state through context using findAncestorStateOfType., which again has null safety and isn't considered as Global state, it searches for the first existence of such state otherwise returns null.

YDA93 commented

At the end of the day it's the user option to evaluate the case and decides to create global key or not.

It's not in the package code so we have no any anti-pattern design so far.

Since we only made the class public what stops this?

YDA93 commented

We only made it possible to control the state from two methods:

Using GlobalKey or through findAncestorStateOfType