
Bufferutil installation problem

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi currently a problem appear when execute:

cd /resources/lab4/Lab4-Adding-Discovery-to-Chatbot

export npm_config_loglevel=silent

conda config --set notify_outdated_conda false

conda install nodejs -y

rm -f ~/.npmrc

npm install

I think the problem is related to since I understand that the version that is being installed is no longer used, I will appreciate your prompt response to continue with the course.

hello, could you solve it ???

Yes, I can

can you help me how did you do it pls

Sure, but my native language is Spanish, I will explain it to you in Spanish and I translate it through google translate, I hope it helps you

I commented on the correction that could be carried out, however I do not know if it is already in the repository, in any case, if you are carrying out the IBM course and you are working with cognitive class, you can install the dependencies as instructed. suggests.


This generates the following error.


You can later, in a next line of execution, carry out the installation of bufferutil


It should run without problems and you will get the following message, those were my steps to follow.


If it is another problem, then I suggest you tell me about it, since I also made configurations in the serverless.yml file and in CourseAdvisor.js since there are other inconveniences.

OK, thanks a lot.