
Where to write the code?

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Where is the code? and Where to write it yaar?
I am a Civil person, i don't know about code and all. So, i asked you to help me...please do understand

sopov commented

try googling: "how to run a program from the command line"

Where is the program for downloading the resume?

Please do share if you have any video of it in youtube

sopov commented

I don't have a video. I don't even have windows. But it should work there. Please do not create new issues.

If you don't want to figure out how it works, then I'm not in the business of teaching everyone.

Please pay to and get PDF from a box.

sopov commented

Why are you doing like this bro?
Help me out to download the resume

I have a job and I have to do it, it was done as a hobby and nothing more.

if you can't figure it out, pay a couple of bucks and get better results from

I can understand it's ur hobby, but it will help lot of people out here.
And all of them can't pay, I hope u understand

Till now u have chated so many things, in this time u would have said the procedure to download the resume know!!!

Hi, I believe technology should be accessible for everyone, no matter if they know how it works or not. Mocking people for having less knowledge than you in a certain segment is deeply immoral. Besides, it goes against GitHub Community Guidelines.

For these reasons, I felt obligated to explain how to use the program here.


  • Step 1: Download the files from this repository (click the green 'Code' button and select 'Download ZIP'). Store it inside an empty file and extract your downloaded .zip file there.
  • Step 2: The program was coded in 'Go' (programming language), so to run it, you have to install 'Go' at:
  • Step 3: Open your command prompt (cmd.exe). You can do that by searching for it in your Windows search box or by pressing 'Windows + R' and typing 'cmd.exe'.
  • Step 4: Check if 'Go' was successfully installed by typing
go version

The command should show you what version you have installed in your machine.

  • Step 5: While still on the prompt, navigate to inside the program's folder. To do that, just type 'cd ' followed by the address you want to access. Example:
cd C:\Users\UserName\Downloads\NewFolder\resumeio2pdf-main
  • Step 6: Inside 'resumeio2pdf-main', compile the program into an executable by typing
go build
  • Step 7: Lastly, run the generated 'resumeio2pdf' .exe file alongside its commands by typing:
resumeio2pdf -y
  • Step 8: Your .pdf file should be available for use inside the program's folder! 👍