
Can't login to sopython

Ffisegydd opened this issue · 4 comments

Bhargav tried to edit a "Community Mode" wiki post and got 500 Internal Server Error.

He was logged in on the sopython-site and has >100 rep.

I can't re-create this locally at the moment. I've used my account in the DC group to make a wiki page and Bhargav's account to edit it, and it edits it fine.

Will question Bhargav a bit more and see if we can pin down the cause in production.

Me and Bhargav have been over things now, I'll try to explain the issue and what I've done so far.

Bhargav cannot log into sopython.

  • He gets a "500 Internal Server Error" whenever he tries to login.
  • He's tried to login from different internal pages on the site (wiki, index, etc) and all 500 out.
  • He is using "Log in with Google" when he logs in (if that is important, I thought about Google removing openid support, but then again I do the same and I have no issue D:)
  • He's tried when in incognito mode and it still 500s out (removal of cookies etc)
  • He's revoked permission from the sopython app on and then re-given permission, still 500 ISE.

From the uwsgi.log logs we have (a long exception followed by)

sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: (IntegrityError) duplicate key value violates unique constraint "so_user_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(4099593) already exists.

This is definitely the least important point, but I think it's Can't log in to sopython :)

Same as #36