
Antialias settings

Opened this issue · 2 comments

One feature that would be just lovley is to be able to tweak with is the aniti-aliasing. Like you can do in flash for instance.

The values that you would like to tweak:

  • sharpness value (for instance small text could benefit in readability with a slightly higher sharpness value, while large font would look smoother with a lower value)
  • thickness value (to make the text slightly thicker or narrower along the edges, would be lovely if you wish to tweak the appearance of a typeface)

I'm sorry but this is impossible. I understand why you would want something like this but it just can't be done as the underlaying graphics systems (VML & canvas) provide no control over AA (well, you can turn it off in VML, but that's it).

It might be possible to achieve kind of a "strong" antialiasing by rendering the same text twice or more on top of itself.. how's that sound? Other rendering modes are undoable without black magic.

Ah, that's a pity. But many thanks for a quick reply anyway!