
Cufon Css Text Decoration line-through Problem

Opened this issue · 6 comments

I want to using cufon with my projects price area. If product is sale, double price showing price table. Old price has line-through text , other price without line-through text. Firefox can show it correct but internet explorer and google chome can't show line-through text. Please help me.
Best Regards.

Same Problem. Did you find any solution?

I'm also having the same issue with line-through and Cufon; the line isn't showing in chrome. No solution that I can figure out.

i use 1px repeat-x background looks like real line-through :)

Good idea, I'll try it-- thanks!

I went with a 1px x 2px black image and it works GREAT-- thanks! E

.strike {
    background:url(../images/black-1x2.png) repeat-x 0 10px;

ooh...what an idea..Thanks..