
Original Text still shown in IE?

Closed this issue · 21 comments

Hi guys,

I'm using cufon for my wordpress blog and until yesterday it worked fine, but now in IE the original text (wich actually should be replaced by cufon) is still there. Is there a known issue with some jQuery plugins or so on?


Could you send me an example? Also, if you mean that the Cufón text doesn't show up at all (just the regular text), make sure that you have jQuery or some other JS framework loaded on that page. It has to be before Cufón's script tag, too.


No I mean it's shown both, the text and the cufon. Code example or picture?

Actually I would like both code and a screenshot if possible.

I have the same problem, and need a solution fast. Anyone know how to solve this or why it's occurring?

Olgish87 do you have any jQuery Plugins on your Site?

P.S.: How can I post the code the right way?

doubleyoumusic yes I do have some jQuery Plugins.

Wich plugins do you have?

I have the same problem, across multiple applications of cufon within WordPress (using the same WP template on different servers and domains).

Weird thing is, it was working fine until yesterday but now doesn't work in Internet Explorer, although still works in Chrome and Firefox?

To try and resolve this quickly, I've made sure that I'm using the latest version of cufon (2011). This didn't work. Since I have a number of clients on this, for speed, I've had to turn cufon off.

Just in case, I've left the following site unresolved to monitor if a referenced service has just simply stopped working. Looking through the code, I thought it might be JQuery... any ideas?

Take a look at in Internet Explorer to see the problem... in other browsers, it appears fine. This client hasn't noticed yet, so, I would really appreciate a solution as soon as possible

thanks in advance

Hi guys,

I need exact browser versions and OS versions as well. What are you using to test (e.g. virtual machine, real machine, stand-alone ie, some service)? Also, have you updated anything at all on your site recently? Or have you noticed any OS updates?

If someone needs a very quick fix you can try this:

<!--[if IE]><style type="text/css">cufontext {display: none!important}</style><![endif]-->

Also, I need more links. I've seen 3 links so far, and all of them have used this snippet of code:

<!--[if lt IE 9]>
   <script src=""></script>

Because you are loading this from an external domain (and even from the trunk of an SVN repo) it is quite likely that this is the cause. It may have been updated without you knowing a thing.

Last release... well isn't that a surprise. It was yesterday.

Could you guys create tickets there? It would help bring attention to the issue.

We are seeing similar stuff, we do have the HTML5 shim in our wordpress theme

we are doing some digging now... It's only in IE7/IE8 and very recently (in the past 3-4 days)

if we turn off the html5 shim, cufon works. BUT the site looks like crap becuase of the HTML5 issues and tags which are not supported as part of the older browsers.

Please post to aFarkas/html5shiv#52 to bring attention to this issue. They are in the best position to fix this.

Can confirm it appears to be an issue with html5shiv. Issue has been raised at their camp. You can roll back to previous versions and it will work, but CDN is causing issues.

thanks Ollie, really helpful.

Fix should be out now. Thanks everyone.

FYI the latest version of Modernizr (2.5.3?) includes something that breaks Cufon in the manner described here (text-doubling) for IE7 & IE8 as well. The shim they use breaks it too. Rolled back to Modernizr 2.0.5. Fixed.

Pretty old and fixed issue. But I like to add another comment because I encountered a similar issue and none of the known fixes worked out.

In my case text was on some pages not rendered by Cufon at all, while on other pages there was the original text shown in addition to the rendered canvas elements.

The problem only exists in IE9 and below.

On the production site everything was okay. So the the issue only exists on the dev environment.
A diff between dev and live files shows that the only differnece on related pages where a few additional CSS files.

Finally it turns out that I ran into the IE CSS limit cause I was referencing more than 31 external stylesheets. Mergin them fixed the issue.
Sie this gist for details to the IE CSS Limits: