
Release a new version of oban_pro?

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Not sure here is the right place to ask about oban_pro, but I cannot upgrade oban to 2.16, because I also use oban_pro and it refuse to upgrade oban:

$ mix deps.update oban_pro
Because hexpm:oban/oban_pro >= 0.14.0 and < 1.0.1 depends on oban ~> 2.15.0 and your app depends on oban ~> 2.16, hexpm:oban/oban_pro >= 0.14.0 and < 1.0.1 is forbidden.
So, because your app depends on hexpm:oban/oban_pro ~> 0.14, version solving failed.

It worked after I changing oban_pro from ~> 0.14 to 1.1.