
Bug inserting workers with decimal args

Closed this issue · 3 comments


  • Oban PRO Version: v1.1.3
  • Oban Version: v2.15.4
  • PostgreSQL Version: 13
  • Elixir & Erlang/OTP Versions: 1.14.5

Current Behavior

When I insert an Oban Worker with decimal arguments, It is inserting the argument like this:

%{"coef" => 10000, "exp" => 0, "sign" => 1}

So, When the worker is ready to be processed, the Oban validation fails because It can't cast this map() to a Decimal.t() value.

Here's how I configured the Oban Worker:

defmodule ObanWorker do
  use Oban.Pro.Worker, queue: :example
  args_schema do
    field :amount, :decimal, required: true
  def process(%Oban.Job{args: %__MODULE__{amount: amount}}) do

Here's how Oban Worker returns the error.

{:error, ":amount is invalid"}

Expected Behavior

Before this issue, it was inserting the Decimal values as string in the DB, it is unclear to me why the behavior was affected because Ecto Changeset expects the value in this way.

Hi @sorentwo, any news about it?

I already updated Oban to version 2.16.2, and I'm still having the same problem

@daniikpando This was fixed in Pro v1.1.4, released last week:

Ohhh, thanks @sorentwo!