
Set readthis connection pool after configuring cache_store as readthis_store?

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If I configure this in my config/production.rb

  config.cache_store = :readthis_store, {
      expires_in: 30.seconds.to_i,
      namespace: 'cache',
      redis: { url: ENV.fetch('REDIS_URL'), driver: :hiredis }

How can I set it's connection pool later when my puma workers call on_worker_boot

on_worker_boot is called after config/production.rb

The pool for readthis cannot be passed in via options

I am stuck. Before I start hacking and making a mess I thought I'd ask here if I'm on the right track?

I was thinking of a change like this

But I'm not sure how ReadThis gets initialized when set as Rails cache_store, and how to set this after bootup?

The pool's connections are established lazily and will be automatically reconnected after forking.

I've written a bit about how it is undesirable to explicitly re-establish the pool after forking:

So, good news, you don't need to do anything =)