
path regex [question]

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I'm having such a hard time with the redirection option.

Can you post more example on the docs please?

steps: [ { path: '/home/books', orphan: true }, { path: '/home/books', redirect: function () { document.location.href = '/home/book-detail?book=761' } }, { path: RegExp('\/home\/book-detail\/[^/]+','i'), }

All sorts of things happens, like infinite redirects, of try to redirect to page like "http://home///book-detail//i/"

I trid a lot of things and nothing works.


i had the same problem as you.

the step you specified for redirect should actually be specified in the third step and not the second one.

like this:

steps: [ 
{ path: '/home/books', orphan: true }, 
{ path: '/home/books' }, 
{ path: RegExp('\/home\/book-detail\/[^/]+','i'), redirect: () => document.location.href = '/home/book-detail?book=761' } ,