
Make Authentication and Authorization system with Node.Js MongoDB and Express.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Authentication system

This app use REST API ,MongoDB , JWT for authorization and Bcrypt to hash password in database


First you should install node.js on your system in debian linux you can type below command to install node.js
sudo apt install node

Now clone this package on your system:
git clone https://github.com/soroush-habibi/Authentication-Node.js.git
or download it directly
Now open your terminal in source folder and execute below command:
npm install

How to use this package?

Type below command in terminal:
node index
Now Web Server is running on 3000 port by default.you can change port in ".env" file.
Then install mongodb on your system and start mongod service.then use mongosh command to see mongoDB is setup correctly or not
Your mongoDB run on port 27017 by default and you can change it in mongod config file.
click here to see full guide for install mongoDB now open below link in your browser:
You can also use loopback address
Now you can see two option: sign up & login
Use sign up to make an account
Everytime you log in to your account a new json web token will be created and save in cookies and old token will expire.if you dont open site for 7 days you must sign in again