
Trouble with this repo : any repo is kept up to date ?

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I was able to make it work on cpu, but making it work on gpu has been simply a nightmare. This repo requires cuda 9.0, which is not supported by ubuntu 18.04 so when I realized this wasn't going to work with ubuntu 18.04, I started a clean OS on ubuntu 16.04 just to make this repo work with cuda.

While the installation of cuda went well and it worked, it was the turn of theano 0.8.2 to give me some very weird error messages such as Exception: The nvidia driver version installed with this OS does not give good results for reduction.Installing the nvidia driver available on the same download page as the cuda package will fix the problem, problem that seems common when looking up online but Theano, and to a greater extent Theano 0.8.2 is no longer supported anyway.

And beside the OS mismatch and the Theano weird error messages, my idea on my master thesis was to try new ideas starting with this code and since it uses old libraries and is no longer supported by MILA, this might not be the best idea to begin with.

So, I'm giving up with this repo. But I'm definitely not giving up on sampleRNN as my thesis is on music generation and sampleRNN seems to be ideal in my case. Any repo uses sampleRNN or something very similar but using recent version of tensorflow or pytorch and is updated regularly ? I find it weird, seeing the success this model has, to find no supported git repository.

Thank you for your attention and sorry for the displayed bitterness, I've been trying to make it work for days and I'm exhausted so let me conclude by thanking the researchers for this new model and to make it available online.