

spnraju opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello @sorrycc !

Hope you are doing well. You got a repo with wonderful details.

Unfortunately, you don't seem to have time to maintain it.

If you would like it, please add me as a contributor so that I can help in maintaining this repo.


Hi @spnraju,

Thanks for your interest. @sorrycc indeed has no time for this repository and in the past I asked him to transfer it to me or anyone else so that we can maintain it better by adding some other integrations and stuff. Right now it's only managing PRs and issues we can do as contributors, so please don't think we're not trying.


Hey @gokaygurcan thanks for responding. I assumed that there is no activity as the number of open PRs are quite high. I am really sorry about that. I should have looked at the commit history.

Thank you for taking care of it.