
Change all running instances of urxvt

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Not sure if it's possible but it would be pretty cool if all running urxvt instances would be changed, not just the one where you run the command.


pts = os.listdir('/dev/pts/')
for each_pts in pts:
     if is_number(each_pts):'echo "`.dynamic-colors/bin/dynamic-colors switch solarized-{0}`" > /dev/pts/{1}'.format(version,each_pts), shell=True)

@Marenz does the example work for you? You might have to adjust the devise. Run the tty command to find out a terminal's name.

For example, on OS X the PTYs are ttys[000-999], so I could use:

dynamic-colors switch solarized-dark > /dev/ttys005

to change the 5th terminal.