
Need to be added : Server node attributes and methods

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현재 servernode.py는 cloud와 server를 겸하고 있음.
cloud와 server를 분리하여 새 class를 만들어야 하고 여기는 새 server class에 관한 것.


  1. task_list
    (with allocated computing resource-assigned processing rate- to each task)
  2. cpu_rate ( CPU cycles per sec)
    (1010^9 cycle/s, Huang, 2018
    edge 2.5
    10^9, remote cloud 5*10^9, Chen, 2016 )
  3. number_of_cores
  4. cpu_working_ratio (occupied CPU capacity)

(아래는 mobile에 관한 건 있는데, 아직 server에 관한 건 못봤음, Chen,2016)
5. unit processing energy consumption (J/cycle)
(1/(73010^6), Chen, 2016)
6. encoding needing application (x264 CBR) 1900 cycles/byte)
7. local computation time (4.75
10^(-7) s/bit)
8. local processing energy consumption (3.25*10^(-7) J/bit )


  1. add_task (self, task, cpu_distribute)
  2. end_task (self, task)