
Info on SV-COMP 2022?

robdockins opened this issue · 2 comments

The page from the 2021 contest doesn't seem to be updated, and we're coming up relatively quickly on dates that were important to last year's competition (e.g., mid October for abstract submissions). I am hoping to submit a verifier for the first time this year, and it would be nice to know if there are relevant rule changes and such that might affect our submission preparations and to have an understanding of the timeline.

I just remembered reading your post in my inbox and came back to see if someone already answered. Since this is not the case:

Currently I am not aware of any (major) rule changes. Best write the competition chair/organizer such that you will be on the SV-COMP mailing list. This will be @dbeyer again I think(see the footer of for contact info).I expect there to be a (virtual) community meeting where we discuss this years competition season soon(though nothing concrete is scheduled yet).

For questions about SV-COMP that are not related to the benchmark suite of this repository, please use the SV-COMP mailing list.