
Add guide star 5th, 16th, 50th, 84th, and 95th percentile mag columns to guide stats.

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Let's just do this now and start reprocessing the mission for

BTW this processing is likely completely I/O bound and I would imagine it might run an order of magnitude faster on a local laptop with SSD. Since it would be nice to have agile repro capability, might be worth the time to see if this can run on a mac laptop.

With the idea the @javierggt could actually run it once @jeanconn makes it work (if it does not already).

Great idea!

Oh question though, this time around what do we want our mag convention to be for no data? Every time I mask something I break all your speedy stuff.

Call it 99.0 mag. And yes, masked arrays can be more trouble than they're worth.