
Anonymization pipeline (faces, license plates detection & blurring) of video frames utilizing various deep learning models, part of GRUBLES project

Primary LanguagePython


Download hdf model files:

  • Pretrained model on MS coco

     wget https://github.com/OlafenwaMoses/ImageAI/releases/download/1.0/yolo.h5


      git lfs pull --include "yolo.h5"

    Pretrained model in weights format

      wget https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3.weights
  • Custom model for LP

	git lfs pull --include "yolov3_custom.h5"

Install git-lfs through the package manager.

Depersonalization pipeline

Two stage license plate detector for evaluation

In the first stage all bounding boxes associated with car, truck, motorbike, bus labels are selected and cropped serving as regions of interest, then in the second stage the cropped region of the original image is fed to the custom model trained to detect license plates. This script returns a pkl file containing a list. This list can be used to calculate various metrics.

Each list element is a dictionary that contains information about the detected and ground truth objects in an image, a summary of its key/value pairs is presented below:

Key Value
det list of detected bboxes in imageAI format
filename the filename of the related image
gt a list of ground truth objects
matches a list of tupled index pairs


python two_stage_lp.py  --anno_dir <path to annotations directory> 
			--img_dir <path to images directory> 
			--config ./config/yolo_config.json ./config/yolov3_custom_config.json 
			--model ./models/yolo.h5 ./models/yolov3_custom.h5 
			--out_dir <output directory for the detections of the annotated images and corresponding pickle file>
			--vehicle_thresh <vehicle detection threshold>
			--lp_thresh <lp detection threshold>

General two stage license plate detector

Same as the script above, in the first stage all bounding boxes associated with car, truck, motorbike, bus labels are selected and cropped serving as regions of interest, then in the second stage the cropped region of the original image is fed to the custom model trained to detect license plates. This script detects and blurs the license plates of all the vehicles in any single image.


python inference.py  --img_dir <full path to images directory> 
		     --config ../config/yolo_config.json ../config/yolov3_custom_config.json 
		     --model ../models/yolo.h5 ../models/yolov3_custom.h5 
		     --out_dir <full path of output directory for the blurred images>
		     --vehicle_thresh <detection threshold for cars, trucks, motorbikes, buses>
		     --lp_thresh <detection threshold for license plates>

Weights to HDF conversion

Convert darknet weights format to hdf5 format used by keras and its wrapper imageai.

Original code adapted from the folowing repo: experiencor/keras-yolo3

Requirements file: requirements.txt


 python weights_to_h5.py --weights <path to .weights file> --hdf5 <path to .h5 file > --config <path to json configuration file>

Model files and configuration

The table below describes the classes predicted by each model file

Model file Class list
yolo.h5 MS COCO (80 classes, including cars)
yolov3_custom.h5 License plates

The table below describes the model - config file relations

Model file Config file
yolo.h5 coco_config.json
yolov3_custom.h5 darknet_config.json

Example plot


Depersonalization pipeline with PyTorch

Two stage license plate detector for evaluation

In the first stage all bounding boxes associated with car, truck, motorbike, bus labels are selected and cropped serving as regions of interest, then in the second stage the cropped region of the original image is fed to the custom model trained to detect license plates. This script returns a pkl file containing a list. This list can be used to calculate various metrics. The only difference with the 1st approach that utilizes ImageAI and tensorflow in the models and the config files. This approach utilizes mmdetection and pytorch.

Each list element is a dictionary that contains information about the detected and ground truth objects in an image, a summary of its key/value pairs is presented below:

Key Value
det list of detected bboxes in imageAI format, converted from mmdetection format to ImageAI
filename the filename of the related image
gt a list of ground truth objects
matches a list of tupled index pairs


python two_stage_lp.py  --anno_dir <path to annotations directory> 
			--img_dir <full path to images directory> 
			--config ../mmdetection/configs/bdd100k/cascade_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_det_bdd100k.py 
			--model  ../mmdetection/checkpoints/bdd100k/cascade_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_det_bdd100k.pth
			--out_dir <full path of output directory for the blurred images>
			--vehicle_thresh <detection threshold for cars, trucks, motorbikes, buses>
			--lp_thresh <detection threshold for license plates>

One stage license plate detector for evaluation

This script skips the first stage that detects all the vehicles. Here, the original image is fed to the custom model trained to detect license plates. This script returns a pkl file containing a list. This list can be used to calculate various metrics. The only difference with the 1st approach that utilizes ImageAI and tensorflow in the models and the config files. This approach utilizes mmdetection and pytorch.

Each list element is a dictionary that contains information about the detected and ground truth objects in an image, a summary of its key/value pairs is presented below:

Key Value
det list of detected bboxes in imageAI format, converted from mmdetection format to ImageAI
filename the filename of the related image
gt a list of ground truth objects
matches a list of tupled index pairs


python one_stage_lp.py  --anno_dir <path to annotations directory> 
			--img_dir <full path to images directory> 
			--config ../mmdetection/configs/custom/detectors_cascade_rcnn_r50_1x_custom_lp.py
			--model  ../mmdetection/checkpoints/detectors_cascade_rcnn_r50_1x_custom_lp/best_bbox_mAP_epoch_6.pth
			--out_dir <full path of output directory for the blurred images>
			--lp_thresh <detection threshold for license plates>

General two stage license plate detector with pytorch

Same as the scripts above, in the first stage all bounding boxes associated with car, truck, motorbike, bus labels are selected and cropped serving as regions of interest, then in the second stage the cropped region of the original image is fed to the custom model trained to detect license plates. This script detects and blurs the license plates of all the vehicles in any single image. The only difference with the 1st approach that utilizes ImageAI and tensorflow in the models and the config files. This approach utilizes mmdetection and pytorch.


python inference_mmdetection.py  --img_dir <full path to images directory> 
			         --config ../mmdetection/configs/bdd100k/cascade_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_det_bdd100k.py 
			         --model  ../mmdetection/checkpoints/bdd100k/cascade_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_det_bdd100k.pth
			         --out_dir <full path of output directory for the blurred images>
			         --vehicle_thresh <detection threshold for cars, trucks, motorbikes, buses>
			         --lp_thresh <detection threshold for license plates>

General one stage license plate detector with pytorch

This script skips the first stage that detects all the vehicles. Here, the original image is fed to the custom model trained to detect license plates. This script detects and blurs the license plates of all the vehicles in any single image. The only difference with the 1st approach that utilizes ImageAI and tensorflow in the models and the config files. This approach utilizes mmdetection and pytorch.


python inference_mmdetection_one_stage_lp.py  --img_dir <full path to images directory> 
			         	      --config  ../mmdetection/configs/custom/detectors_cascade_rcnn_r50_1x_custom_lp.py
			         	      --model   ../mmdetection/checkpoints/detectors_cascade_rcnn_r50_1x_custom_lp/best_bbox_mAP_epoch_6.pth
			         	      --out_dir <full path of output directory for the blurred images>
			         	      --lp_thresh <detection threshold for license plates>

Model files and configuration

The table below describes the classes predicted by each model file

Model file Class list
Pretrained on BDD100K BDD100K (10 classes)
Custom License plates

The table below describes the model - config file relations

Model file Config file
Pretrained on BDD100K cascade_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_det_bdd100k.py
Custom detectors_cascade_rcnn_r50_1x_custom_lp.py

One stage vs two stage license plate detection

Although one stage license plate detection is much faster than the two stage approach, we proceeded with the latter technique. After evaluating the two approaches empirically in the dataset collected during the GRUBLES project (containing street scene videos of central Thessaloniki), the one stage appoach detected many shop signs as traffic signs, resulting to a large number of False Positives. Many solutions, such as setting and tuning a bbox area threshold were tested, but still, the two stage approach provided the more accurate results.

Example plot


Face detection & blurring

An edited version of the deepface library was used throughout this auxiliary task, with the requirements analyzed in requirements.txt.

In order to use face_detection.py, we need to specify the directory containing the images we want to apply face detection and blurring and an output directory to store a .pickle file containing the detections in each image and the processed images after applying detection and blurring. More specifically,


Absolute path to directory containing the desired frames


Absolute path to output directory


The backend method used for face detection is retinaface and the threshold value for this method is 0.9 by default. Thus, the aforementioned arguments are fixed inside face_detection.py. The generated pickle file contains information about the detected faces of each image. More specifically, key-value pairs with the following structure are created:

Key Value
image_path Dictionary containing info about the bboxes, confidence scores, face ids, frame idx and relative path of each generated image

We store 1 single processed image for each image of interest. Thus, we're using the last element of the list containing the relative path of each generated image and we combine it with the argument save_dir.

Example plot


Full Depersonalization example plot
