
Deploy Django with NGINX Gunicorn and Docker

1- make you project on web/ folder

2- you should have all the requiments at this folder on requirments.txt ( in my example I should add gunicorn==2.6.0 to the requirements )

3- with you Terminal go to folder ~/django-docker and run

 docker-compose build

 docker-compose up (-d additional if you want to launch docker in background )

4- launch http://your_ip_adress and than you have your django project launched with docker

5- also if you need to add static files or migrate your migrations you can launch

 docker-compose run web python staticfiles

 docker-compose run web python


launch your container: choose your container like djangodocker_web_1 than go on your terminal and write

docker exec -ti djangodocker_web_1 bash

then you can do every thing you want like

python makemigrations

python migrate

python staticfiles ( to get your admin panel )

python createsuperuser ( create super user for your admin panel )

and to create your database with postgresql you have to go to your terminal and then go to your postgres container, launch your postgres container with this commande:

docker exec -ti djangodocker_postgres_1 bash

then you can create your database and set it to your file, then you have to launch a

python migrate

with djangodocker_web_1 container

and for nginx configration your can choose another configuration or just set this configuration for your case