
Suggestion to empty nameDescription=""

EPuncker opened this issue · 2 comments

A few monsters aren't coming with nameDescription="" filled, so what about filling it with name but lowercase, or same as name if boss=true

edit, same for race, what about making it blood for everyone until we have proper info at wiki?

A few monsters aren't coming with nameDescription="" filled, so what about filling it with name but lowercase, or same as name if boss=true

I had the bright idea to generate the article a/an based on the name of the monster but it turns out its not that simple and the rule uses the sound of the word and not the spelling of the word. Setting it as the name for bosses makes sense, is it true for all bosses that the nameDescription is the same as the name?

edit, same for race, what about making it blood for everyone until we have proper info at wiki?

Blood should be default. I forgot to print out the blood type when generating TFS XML monsters. I made the function GenerictoTfsBlood but its never called. It needs to be added at

is it true for all bosses that the nameDescription is the same as the name?

of all these years of editing files and looking for information, I'm 99% sure all of them are