
possible to ship without resize-observer-polyfill?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

thank you for this very helpful module :)

Currently react-measure requires even in browsers that support mutation observers I need to ship the polyfill (if I'm not mistaken).

Could it be instead left to the app developer to polyfill mutation observers as needed? react-measure would then need to use the mutation observer directly.

Am I missing something? What do you think about this?

@klaemo I'd like to pay your attention that resize-observer-polyfill is a polyfill for the Resize Observer, not Mutation Observer.

For the time being, this API has been adopted only by Chrome and it's not enabled by default (it's a flagged feature under the #enable-experimental-web-platform-features). Firefox and Safari are also working on it.

Regards. bad! Sorry about that, got my DOM APIs mixed up! ;)

Thanks for the clarification :)