
Please tag v2 as `latest` on npm

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Currently, v3.0.0-rc.3 is tagged as latest on npm, which is still WIP and undocumented judging from the README. But since it's latest, npm install react-measure will install that version instead of v2.

Thanks in advance!

Sorry about that! I've been wanting to do something like this, but don't know how 😓. Do you by chance know how to do this? I haven't found anything online to be able to point back to an old version on NPM.

npm dist-tag add react-measure@2.0.2 latest

With npm dist-tag ls react-measure you can check if it worked.

When publishing prerelease versions you can do something like npm publish --tag next


I have a script which helps me not to forget tagging a release; it checks if the version number contains a - and then will publish with tag next automatically:

Awesome, thank you for the tips and tricks ✨. It should be fixed! I think I understand tags a little better now 😅. I appreciate the help 🙏.