
Ability to use without nextjs

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I have a component library ( ) that uses Storybook MDX I'd like to use mdxts on to generate the types for my components using this library. Problem is I don't use next on reablocks ( because its a package not a app ) and thus it errors on install.

The main requirement for Next.js right now is the Webpack loader since I need to generate a glob of modules. Can you configure the Webpack loader yourself or do you need a different bundler loader/plugin? I can also look into a lite mode if the loader can't be used that simply returns static metadata.

Yes I can configure the loader myself !

Ok cool, give the loader a try and let me know if you run into anything. There are some environment variables the Next.js plugin sets up so you'd need these as well.

This library is no longer strictly dependent on Next.js, please see the guides section for how to use renoun with other frameworks.