
Follow local markdown file link

treyssatvincent opened this issue · 1 comments

If this don't go outside the minimalistic scope you've set for this app I would love to been able to follow links to other markdown files.

For example, with this file content:

Hello, this is a file with a [link](./ to another file.

by clicking on the link it would open in BeauTyXT.

I'm not familiar with Android developpement, so maybe this is impossible without permissions.

You're correct that this isn't possible without requesting additional permissions.

It could request access to a folder to be able to do that for files in that folder, but having access to all files shouldn't be done unless it's needed by the app, such as file manager apps.

You could maybe try to make a drop down using the HTML summary element, or look at Typst which has far more features than Markdown and has a folder project structure.