1st March 2021
Considering a function f (x) = cos(x) in the interval [− pi/2 , pi/2 ].
Writing serial and OpenMP parallel codes to numerically integrate the
function using the
(a) Trapezoidal Rule
(b) Montecarlo Method
1. To perform a convergence study, using different numbers of divisions
(or sampling points), by comparing the integral obtained through the
numerical methods with the analytical integral.
2. To perform a timing study using 2, 4, 6 and 8 OpenMP threads and
reporting average times of at least 5 runs of the code.
Analytical integral Integrating cos(x) in the interval [− pi/2 , pi/2 ] as follows,
Let we partition into n equal subintervals, each of width
The Trapezoidal Rule for approximating is given by,
- Initialise the number of divisions/samples points for the Trapezoidal Rule.
- Initialise the starting of the current sample as .
- Initialise the step size, as .
- Iterate the current sample point as for all sample points till .
- Compute the result by accumulating the value of for every sample point such that according to equation (1).
- Storing the result of integration as the multiplication of step size and the accumulation of function.
- To parallelise the code, use #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:) before the iteration loop in step 4.
- As the number of sampling points increases, the error reduces as
shown in Figure1.
- As the number of cores increases, the time to solve reduces as shown
in Figure2.
In the trapezoidal rule of numerical integration, a deterministic
approach is used. However, Montecarlo integration employs a
non-deterministic approach where each realization provides a different
- Initialise the number of samples points for the Montecarlo Method.
- Initialise .
- Initialise the total area as the multiplication of .
- Initialise the seed for random function generation i.e. rand_r(&seed).
- Iterate a loop for the number of sample points and using the random number generator function call find the number of x and y-axis samples with-in the range corresponding to .
- Compute and accumulate a variable called, hits if the cos(x) > y for all samples generated in the above step. Also, compute and accumulate all the iterations as all_samples_count.
- Calculate the ratio of hits as , The result of integration will be .
- To parallelise the code, use #pragma omp parallel for private (iterator, seed) reduction(+:hits, all_samples_count) before the iteration loop in step 5.
- As the number of sampling points increases, error reduces
- As the number of cores increases, the time to solve reduces as shown
in Figure 3&4.
- With the thread-safe variant i.e rand\_r(), we are making seed as a
private variable amongst threads to ensure the state is not shared
between threads. It makes the sequences independent of each other.
If we start them with private seeds, we will get different sequences
in all threads. This is the reason why we are observing different
results for the different number of threads.