A professional web developer graduated with BSc in CSE from American International Univerisity-Bangladesh. Linkedin:
www.aiub.eduDhaka, Bangladesh
Pinned Repositories
This is a simple app created using MERN (React as client-side; Express, Node as server-side and MongoDB as a database). Here I implemented the CRUD application and Real-time Login Registration system with Email, Google and Github using Firebase. Check it out!
Hello there! I have made a simple app using React JS, React-Bootstrap, Material UI and JSON server, where I implemented a login-registration system using Firebase (login with password oAuth, Facebook, GitHub, google) Firebase React-Router, Context-API, Custom-Hooks, Private Route. Hope it would helpful for the beginners. Check it out!
A management app for the customers, sales, vendors as well as admin panel, made with growing PHP framework Laravel. Feel free to check the source code.
A management app for the flat-owners and flat-renters, made with PHP-JavaScript-MySQL
E-Pay, a payment app for the customers, made with growing PHP framework Laravel. Feel free to check the live site as well as the source code. E-Pay is a financial service in Bangladesh that allows users to make financial transactions through their mobile phones. More than depositing money into your mobile accounts, you can also access a range of services, particularly transferring and receiving money domestically. You can also use the website to make payments for your utilities, such as mobile bills—both prepaid and postpaid.
Hi! I've built up a simple Windows desktop application with SQL Database for library management, based on .NET C# language for fun purpose. Hope, it would be beneficial for the beginners
Official Website of Nafi Mahmud
This is a simple app that I made using React JS, Firebase Authentication system where I implemented login with Google and Github. I did it using both ways, with and without localStorage. Check this exciting mini project that would be helpful for beginners!
E-Pay, a payment app for the customers, made with React as Front End and Laravel framework as server-side Back End application. MySQL Database has been used. Feel free to check source code. E-Pay is a financial service in Bangladesh that allows users to make financial transactions through their mobile phones. More than depositing money into your mobile accounts, you can also access a range of services, particularly transferring and receiving money domestically. You can also use the website to make payments for your utilities, such as mobile bills—both prepaid and postpaid.
This is a simple calculator made with Tailwind CSS. All credits go to me
sourcecodebd's Repositories
This is a simple calculator made with Tailwind CSS. All credits go to me
This is the functional version of simple deposit-withdraw calculating app made by HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Hope beginner would found this helpful! Email:, password: 123
E-Pay, a payment app for the customers, made with React as Front End and Laravel framework as server-side Back End application. MySQL Database has been used. Feel free to check source code. E-Pay is a financial service in Bangladesh that allows users to make financial transactions through their mobile phones. More than depositing money into your mobile accounts, you can also access a range of services, particularly transferring and receiving money domestically. You can also use the website to make payments for your utilities, such as mobile bills—both prepaid and postpaid.
Official Website of Nafi Mahmud
This is a simple API created by me for the purpose of practising Fetch API
This is simple search engine made for books found around the world using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap & JavaScript where I have fetched the searched data of the books through open-book-API (link given in the code); such as no. of books available for a topic, books information regarding author name, publishing years, descriptions about the books etc. I have tried to make it look and work like Google. Though No one can beat the technologies of the giant company! Feel free to check this out, hope it would be helpful for the beginners!
This is a simple app made by HTML, CSS, JavaScript where I implemented API, basically storing information of every country, fetched data from the country API URL. Feel free to check out this
This is a simple deposit-withdraw calculating app made by HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Hope beginner would found this helpful! Email:, password: 123
This is a authenticated (without database) login-registration based simple deposit-withdraw calculating app made by HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Hope beginner would found this helpful!
A simple bike selling site made with Bootstrap! Feel free to check this site out!
Node Practice Repository
React Practice Repository
This is a simple, short, first way of implementing localStorage related example, where data is stored as a array like object in the localStorage. Feel free to check this out! Hope this would be helpful for the beginners
This is a simple, short, second way of implementing localStorage related example, where data is stored as single object in the localStorage. Feel free to check this out! Hope this would be helpful for the beginners
This is a simple, short, third way of implementing localStorage related example, where data is stored as single string in the localStorage. Feel free to check this out! Hope this would be helpful for the beginners
This is a simple website regarding Mac Book made by HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap5, JavaScript. Here I implemented a simple product selecting option where the price would be shown according to the product. a one-time promo code would be offered at the end of the purchase process. Price would be reduced if the right promo code is applied. Hope it would be helpful for the beginners. Feel free to check out the live site!
This is a simple food app made with HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap5 and JavaScript. Whenever we search the existing data by food name, it will be fetched though Meal API and show the expected result. Check it out!
Content of Official Website of Nafi Mahmud
This is a simple website made with the Bootstrap framework, check it out!
This is my Official Portfolio made with PHP, JavaScript, MySQL Database, HTML5, CSS3. I have gathered all information regarding biodata, skill and achievement in this website. You can check out my site and hire me for the required job.
This is a simple app made with HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap5 and JavaScript. The data is fetched though Open Weather API. Check it out!
Hi! I've made this simple E-Commerce site using HTML, Tailwind-CSS, Hope it will be helpful for the beginners.
This is a system in which I implemented pin code matching with the help of JavaScript randow(). It can be easily integrated into a web project
For testing the process of transferring (cloning) folders from other others private repository to personal repository, I created this repository
This is a simple app where I implemented a generating system of the random users through API. HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript has been used. Hope you will like it! Feel free to share with other students
This is short example regarding regular expression validation in a input form made with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Check it out!
This is simple shopping cart demo site, where I implemented functional work of choosing products and purchasing in according to the number of products with the help of JavaScript. This is very essential for ecommerce projects which are made of React, nodejs.
This is a simple slider made with HTML5, CSS3, & JavaScript. Check it out!
Overview of my GitHub profile.
Just little bit messing around with Tailwind CSS. Check it out!