
SourceCred / CodeBuddies walkthrough

Closed this issue · 17 comments

This thread is for organizing/planning the SourceCred / Code Buddies code walkthrough.

The plan is to have an hourlong video walkthrough of SourceCred. Here's the agenda*

  1. Why SourceCred Exists
    • Why attributing credit is important
  2. Demo of SourceCred on a few different repositories
  3. SourceCred's general design
    • Overview of PageRank algorithm
    • The Graph
    • The Explorer
    • The Plugin System
    • The Website
  4. High-level code walkthrough
  5. Setup instructions
  6. Discussion of 3 Open Issues (tbd)
    • each with a walkthrough of the code files impacted

We still need to decide on the time. I propose any of the following timeslots:

  • Monday December 10, at 10am PT (1pm ET)
  • Tuesday December 11, at 11am PT (2pm ET)
  • Wednesday December 12, at 9am PT (12pm ET)

If you're interested in attending, please reply with which date is your
favorite, and whether any don't work at all for you. My vote is for Tuesday. :)

  • Thanks to @lpatmo for helping set this up, and for suggestions on the agenda

I can make all of those work, but would prefer Monday at 10 PT / 1 ET.

Monday has my vote as well!

Sounds like Monday it is! @decentralion Do you want to create a Zoom link (this means the recording will be saved locally to your desktop, which you can share later via Dropbox) or do you want one of us to? Or would you prefer another hangout platform?

Zoom sounds good. Here's my Zoom link:

Look forward to seeing you all on Monday, Dec 10 at 10am PT!

Thanks @decentralion! I can schedule the hangout on CB tomorrow, or let you do the honors. (Below is a screenshot of me filling out the details -- let me know if you want the title/description adjusted.)


unfortunately wont be able to attend, can you please record the video session and share?

@lpatmo Please do schedule it! I'll ask that the description/summary change to:

"SourceCred is anchored by a long-term goal: we want open-source contributors to earn a living from their work. We this requires a quantitative system for assigning credit in projects, so we're working on a PageRank-based credit attribution system."

Then the GitHub link and agenda. :)

@coderwithattitude will do!

Here's a project board with issues that I'm going to discuss in the walkthrough.

Here's an invitation link for the meeting:

@lpatmo I sent you a Dropbox link with the recording, would love your help getting it polished+available online

Hey y'all! I couldn't make this, but would love to check out the recording as well @decentralion.

Hi @decentralion my bad, here I am!

This Youtube vid of the walk-through is so awesome and very welcoming to new contributions! Soft suggestion that y'all should put it on the project Readme somewhere. Great stuff!

Will do!

@BrianLitwin i made this PR: sourcecred/sourcecred#1024
Want to check it over for typos and such? :)