
2019-03-27 Office Hours Agenda

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Time: 3 pm ET / 12 pm PT

Leave a comment to propose an item for the agenda!

  • Dandelion to present on tentative SourceCred Q2 OKRs (part of PL's internal planning process)
  • Should we switch to a consistent recurring time for office hours?

proposed items

  1. Hackathon Status Update
  • avoid long sidetrack
  1. I'd like to introduce the concept Generalization of Graph "data model" for collaborative activity
  • David Sisson is working on a specification, including mappings from that specification to the source cred data model as is, and discussions about how additional edges and/or nodes could be added with additional plugins without breaking the data model
  • i have videos of my work sessions with him and I am wondering what the best way is to capture and make this content available to others is?
  • seems like we may want to put a workflow in place were raw videos are screened and/or lightly edited (as needed) then uploaded somewhere public?
  1. Discuss 'Issues' for data viz

sorry to be verbose but hopefully more writing in advance means less talking on the call :)

  • Discuss starting to use Discourse again for conversations that we'll want to be able to reference in the longer term, better medium for certain kinds of discussions
    • Thanks again @s-ben for surfacing this by fixing the link :)
    • E.g. could move office hours notes (and agenda setting?) into the Discourse
  • Discuss the community values that @anoemi and I worked on today.
    • Kind and respectful
    • curiosity and generosity
    • Humility
    • Holistically excellent software
      • includes documentation,
      • communication around software and decision making
      • value code review
      • as well as the code itself
    • sustainability over urgency
  • Discuss focusing on "going deep" on SC + IPFS rather than broad adoption
  • Look at cred for SC/sc and SC/research