
Does src-cli support Rancher Desktop using Docker?

dawilliams opened this issue · 2 comments

Rancher Desktop: v1.5.1
Docker Client: 20.10.17-rd
Docker Server: 20.10.16

I'm walking through your troubleshooting guide.. I'm logged in, can run git version and docker run hello-world. Using the “Hello World” batch change, the src batch preview -v -f hello_world.yaml fails with
docker: Error response from daemon: invalid mount config for type "bind": bind source path does not exist: /tmp/1695627176.
I get the same error if I add -workspace=bind to the batch preview command.

I figured this out. I had to pass the -tmp flag to the src batch preview command that matched the directories that Rancher Desktop shared on macOS.

On macOS, this is the full command that worked for me. I didn't need the -workspace flag and it appears rancher desktop only has access to a subfolder in /tmp.

src batch preview -tmp /tmp/rancher-desktop -f hello-world.batch.yaml