
Mac OSX El Capitan installation issues

YPCrumble opened this issue · 4 comments

Thanks for creating this, I'm excited to try it!

Installation seems pretty difficult on mac OSX - it would be great to be installed via brew install thyme

I'm on El Capitan version 10.11.6

I'm getting the following error when I run thyme dep. I have installed watch and enabled terminal priveleges:

You will need the OSX 'watch' command. With Homebrew installed, in your command line enter "brew install watch". You will also need to enable privileges for "Terminal" in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility.
See for details.

Then, when I try thyme track anyway I get a dialog box asking "Where is nwjs?" but it won't let me select the nwjs package I subsequently installed globally in node_modules.

Any suggestions would be fantastic!


thyme dep simply lists dependencies, it's not an error.

For the second issue, see #6

@HalfVoxel thanks for your response! Got it. It sounds like the issue is the same as #10 and #3 as well.

Sounds like I'm in the same boat as you when you said:

Having this screen pop up every 30 seconds unfortunately makes thyme unusable for me.

watch is no longer needed. I'd assumed it came standard on *nix systems, but apparently only Linux! Instead you can just run while true; do thyme track -o thyme.json; sleep 30s; done; as mentioned in the updated README.

As for ease of installation, you can now just download the binary directly from

As to the "Where is nwjs?" error, could you comment on #32?

@beyang thanks! Added my system details in #32. When I try while true; do thyme track -o thyme.json; sleep 30s; done; I get the following error:

strconv.ParseInt: parsing "missing value": invalid syntax
2016/08/18 10:54:05 strconv.ParseInt: parsing "missing value": invalid syntax