
Support specific window title detection in Safari, iTerm2, Microsoft Word, VSCode

mafredri opened this issue · 2 comments

Looking at data.go#L160-L187 (Window -> Info()) it seems thyme makes no attempt to parse the application name for any other applications than Chrome or Slack.

This results in the coarse timeline (among other things) being cluttered by various window titles, making it harder to get an idea of what application stays in focus.

Which applications do you want handled?

This is a coarse-grained timeline of all the applications you use over the course of the day. Every bar represents an application.

Judging from this description I'd expect it to apply to all applications, e.g. Code, Safari, Microsoft Word, iTerm2, etc.

Currently it (the first graph), and the one that represents distinct windows (second graph) are almost identical.