
QGis Crashes

lolo-le-haricot opened this issue · 6 comments


Sorry for my English, I'm French.

If I activate the Instant Print extension (3.0.0), QGis (3.32.2-Lima) crashes.

I've installed version 3.28.10-Firenze, which also crashes.


Hmmm, I think I've found the problem. To work from home, I use a VPN (FortiClient VPN).
If I disconnect from the VPN, the InstantPrint extension works.
PrtScr capture_11

tpo commented

What does "crashes" mean? Does that mean that you activate the Instant Print extension and QGIS is instantly gone? There is no error message and nothing else displayed at all?

Sorry, I'm French ^^
QGIS stops working if I activate Instant Print and my VPN is running.
No messages, windows tells me that qgis has stopped working.
If I restart qgis, qgis tells me that it has deactivated Instant Print because it had prevented QGIS from working.
PrtScr capture_12
PrtScr capture_13

tpo commented

You should be getting a dialog with the stack trace of the python plugin, but you aren't getting it...

Are you able to debug the plugin? The idea would be to find out which line of code causes it to crash. To find out, you would insert log statements after each line of the plugin code that would issue a log statement to a file, that would tell you that a respective line of code in the plugin was executed.

Then you'd be able to identify the last successfully executed line and thus you would know that the following line was the one that crashed.

Of course you do not need to do this for each line, instead you apply a "divide et impera" strategy: you add a debug line into the middle of the code and have a look if it's hit. If it's not, then you add another debug statement in the middle of the preceeding code. Otherwise in the middle of the following code etc.

Are you able to do that?

Sorry, I don't have the capacity to do this at the moment.

To make sure that you understand the problem, when I click on the checkbox to activate the extension, qgis stops responding.

PrtScr capture_15

In fact, QGIS stops working when the extension is loaded, not when the extension is used.

So I wonder if a log statement might help.

tpo commented

For the audience here - I think this is as far as I should reasonably drive this - if any of the other listeners/commiters here want to take over from here, then please do.