
Colors shouldn't force a space.

iBotPeaches opened this issue · 5 comments

Using ${ORANGE}Foo will allow no space vs current of $ORANGE Foo which requires the space.

You want colors to force a space? The first example makes more sense to me.

${ORANGE}I ${RED}want ${BLUE} and ${ORANGE}I${RED}do not want${BLUE}this.

It seems like forcing a space here would make it so I have to consider the double space being inserted on colors when I do my own spacing.

You want colors to force a space? The first example makes more sense to me.

I want no space. Currently we have a space and it makes it look ugly.

Screen Shot 2021-01-13 at 12 22 00 PM

So basically remote the double spaces (for 1) in the sentence and the leading space will go away by using the ${ORANGE}I logic.

I also want the inclusion of a color code to affect the message in no way other than the color. I think we're agreeing but I just wanted to be sure.

I also want the inclusion of a color code to affect the message in no way other than the color. I think we're agreeing but I just wanted to be sure.

Yep I agree just color.

ooo I had the title wrong lol. That explains the confusion