
iOS SDK (Camera and ID)

iBotPeaches opened this issue · 6 comments

@iBotPeaches I don't see any option on adding a swift package using cocoapods podspec file

atm we're doing it like this

s.vendored_frameworks = 'ios/sdk/IDScanPDFDetector.xcframework', 'ios/sdk/IDScanMRZDetector.xcframework', 'ios/sdk/IDScanPDFParser.xcframework', 'ios/sdk/IDScanMRZParser.xcframework'

Understood. I also don't see anything online that points at RN using Swift dependencies. I just want to have a good documented way of how we update/inline newer upstream SDKs. Since I'm guessing we plucked the SDKs from Cordova which look a bit dated.

Oh the cordova one was pretty much outdated so had to download the SDK from their site and its actually the swift package but we just have to copy the .xcframeworks files and include them directly to our library

I find their website so incredibly confusing lol. So if you just have the links you plucked the Android and iOS SDKs for Camera/ID parsing. I can turn that into some docs.

here are the repos:

can download as a zip
maybe we could write a script to fetch these packages -> clean ios/sdk folder -> paste the new xcframeworks files (assuming there will be no major refactors on the packages)

This method is preferred as-is. We can't use swift modules cleanly without a helluva hackery with RN.