
Discord bot in nodejs to do moderation kinds of stuff and some fun command like to show meme only related to programming.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple discord bot that currently have these following command:

  • help - that list all the commands. For more specific result type help <command_name>
  • prefix - that somes the command prefix and also used to change the prefix as well
  • ping - Checks the bot's ping to the Discord server, the total round trip latency to the Server
  • kick - that accepts only one argument that is the @username
    • example: !kick @username
  • meme - that accepts only one argument that is the category type for the content i.e hot | new | top
    • example: !meme
    • !m
    • !m new
  • groups - Lists all command groups.
  • enable - Enables a command or command group.
  • disable - Disables a command or command group.
  • reload - Reloads a command or command group
  • load - Loads a new command
  • unload - Unloads a command