
Non apt based systems attempting to install apt-transport-https

trilitheus opened this issue · 3 comments

Commit 818ae9f added install of apt-transport-https with no guard. This cookbooks default recipe is included by many other cookbooks and this breaks the chef run when pulling in version 2.9.1 of this cookbook.


I added a guard to the package resource in v2.9.2

However, I'm not entirely sure this is a bug.... The apt cookbook shouldn't be applied to non-apt based systems. Is the cookbook that depends on this a community cookbook? or internal. I'd like to fix this upstream.


This is my 'wrapper' cookbook pulling in dependencies. I only run Centos at the moment so am not calling this myself. I've just checked through my Berksfile.lock to see where else the apt dependency is but going through those I can't see where the inclusion of the apt::default recipe is being called. Will update further if I track it down

tas50 commented

The entire default recipe has a guard around on master right now. That change will be shipping in 3.0. We've also added testing to ensure that RHEL 7 doesn't get any changes when the default recipe is applied.