
Dependencies error on AWS OpsWorks

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I am using this cookbook and the default recipe to install NodeJS on AWS OpsWorks. But I get the following error:

Error Resolving Cookbooks for Run List:

Missing Cookbooks:
No such cookbook: yum-epel

Expanded Run List:
* nodejs


I am assuming you are not using yum for package management.

The problem you describe happens because in the metadata.json file, it has several platform-specific dependencies specified. Chef does not allow conditional dependencies. If a recipe is included (e.g. include_recipe yum_epel or whatever) then the cookbook author needs to include it as a depends line in the metadata. It's a limitation of Chef's metadata.

I just removed those dependencies from metadata and the run list resolves fine. (This is assuming you're not actually using yum. If you are then you should make sure the cookbooks in the metadata dependencies are installed.)


What do u means by removed it from meta data can u show the code from where you removed it ?
I am using Amazon linux .


"dependencies": {
"yum-epel": ">= 0.0.0",
"build-essential": ">= 0.0.0",
"ark": ">= 0.0.0",
"apt": ">= 2.9.1",
"homebrew": ">= 0.0.0"

Sorry : I am newbie here and chef too.

I put nodejs::default in configure step only , all other custom recipe fields are empty

  1. Still i removed it getting the same error :(

  2. I commented repor.rb below line but still getting error
    include_recipe 'yum-epel'

  3. I tired to download and add it nodejs dir but uaable to link it

Any help would be appreciated

How can i make sure that dependencies are installed ?, I can give only 1 Git and there i copied the nodejs ?

Hi All,

I have to download all the dependencies and commit it to repo after that it work , I commented yum etc but no use i have to provide all .So to make use of this ready to use script you need to download all the dependencies shown and there dependencies also.

Thanks for all help :)

tas50 commented

This should be resolved in the latest version of the cookbook without the JSON. Feel free to open it up if you're still having the issue with that release