
Put this on community site

Closed this issue ยท 21 comments

@mdxp we are quite proud of our work on this cookbook.

It lack documentation for the moment, but can be done quickly.

Can you review this cookbook and put me as collaborator on ?


Just to update: documentation part (#5) is done.

Maybe @balbeko you can do this?

We can provide any update, or backport any PR if necessary.

mdxp commented

Sorry guys, been completely slammed the last few days. I will check this out in the afternoon when I get to chefconf.

@mdxp no problem, I'm quite confident about quality if this cookbook. :)

Have a nice last day @ ChefConf :)

@mdxp ๐Ÿ†™ ๐Ÿ‘ผ

mdxp commented

@guilhem there are quite a lot of changes here and I'm still going through them. In the meantime, do you mind adding the main changes to the changelog? Thx!

mdxp commented

Once we have the changelog documented, can you please push this as a PR to my repo? I would prefer to keep my repo as the main source as it is known and used by many people. I will add you there as a collaborator, and I'll cut a new version and upload it to the community site once ready.

@mdxp Ok for changelog I (or @BarthV ) will do my best. But as you have push access on this repository, I see you also as maintainer ;)

Concerning repo, I totally disagree with some "personal" repository.
"redguide" must reduce single bottleneck on cookbook review and give more point of view in case of conflict.
Cookbooks are too critical for a company to see some PR waste and never review.

But, what can be done is to move this repo to "nodejs-tmp", then you can move ownership to "redguide" for your cookbook.
GitHub will do link for HTTP and Git.

Merging "nodejs-tmp:master" to "nodejs:master" can be done after that :)

mdxp commented

I'm sorry you totally disagree with that. I don't see how this would be different as long as you are a collaborator to the repo (already done btw) and you will be able to review and merge PR and also push to the community site. Most of the community cookbooks are like that from what it is worth it.
If you just want it to be on some org account, I can add it to one of my own org accounts and add you there also. Let me know what you prefer...

Changelog for v2.0.0 commited : 180b94a
Maybe updating Berksfile to berks 3 could be nice too.

@mdxp : many of your project's PR were in standby for month. I think the general idea is to provide more security and flexibility for the users by giving this cookbook to an unpersonnal and "multi-centric" collaborative organization. By this way, we could be far more reactive, doing pair-review, merging problematics and doing code compromise in real time ! btw, Chefs are awesome !

Maybe we can work together to find the best way to release this...

I've already updated Berks to point at this repo as, sorry to say, mdxp's version is not actioned fast enough.


I am trying to install node, npm, and jshint to my jenkins server via chef. The "npm" and "node" cookbooks both claim they are deprecated and i should use the latest "nodejs" cookbook, however the latest "nodejs" cookbook is very (simple & good, but ) barebones and does not support npm package (ie, jshint) installation. Please remove the deprecation notices on npm/node cookbooks if their functionality is in fact NOT reproducible by the current nodejs community cookbook.

The redguide/nodejs seems to have the necessary recipes, but the community version (mdxp/nodejs ?) does not, and they are both at the same version #, which is very confusing. This comment thread seems to discus the reasons why this code has not yet been pushed. To which I ask:

What's the hold up?

@mdxp @guilhem

@mdxp this is why this fork was created. We all have issues and lives and if this prevents us from maintaining a community cookbook or any piece of open source then we should gladly give ownership to someone who can give the attention it deserves.

This item here has been open for almost three months now. I'm no longer pointing at your repo and I'm sure others aren't as well because it takes too long for you to action issues and pull requests. I'm not saying you're a bad person or anything, just please be willing to concede if you can't maintain your repo. Otherwise I, and I'm sure others, will continue to point at this fork which will just cause confusion for new Chef users.

๐Ÿ‘ This fork is much more complete, thanks :)

I had to switch to redguide/nodejs repo too. It would be nice if we could have an active community cookbook ๐Ÿ˜ƒ ๐Ÿ‘

v2.0.0 is released!
I let this issue open as this problem isn't resolved (we don't have rights on supermarket).

Could you update the supermarket page to point to this repo? The 'View source' link still points to mdxp

m9 commented

@mdxp could you update that?

mdxp commented

Done. Updated the supermarket page to point here.