
Still using bundled npm even though installing other version

Closed this issue · 4 comments

We're using the cookbook to install a specific Node version and a specific NPM version. However, it seems like the defined NPM version isn't used. Instead it uses the npm version bundled in the node package (which is 1.4.x).

In our recipe:

node.override['nodejs']['engine'] = 'node'
node.override['nodejs']['version'] = '0.10.38'
node.override['nodejs']['npm']['version'] = '2.7.6'

include_recipe 'nodejs::nodejs_from_binary'
include_recipe 'nodejs::npm_from_source'

After this, the symlink points to:

ubuntu:~$ ls -la /usr/local/bin/npm
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 40 Jun 22 15:55 /usr/local/bin/npm -> /usr/local/nodejs-binary-0.10.38/bin/npm

Which is an older version:

ubuntu:~$ npm -version

Is this expected behavior, or a potential bug?

Our current workaround is to "manually" replace the symlink afterwards, but that feels kind of ugly. 😒

Node.js Cookbook: 2.4.0
OS: Ubuntu 14.04
Chef: 11.14

👍 I also have this issue. Changing the symlink works only until the next provision at which time it updates reverts back to the embedded version.

@sommestad can you gist a log of your first run?

chef_gem 'chef-rewind'
require 'chef/rewind'

include_recipe 'nodejs::nodejs_from_binary'
include_recipe 'nodejs::npm_from_source'

### HACK
### fix for
if node['nodejs']['install_method'] == 'binary'
  rewind 'ark[nodejs-binary]' do
    has_binaries ['bin/node']

Should be fixed by : #105

Please reopen if needed