
No releases available for (PECL) package

Closed this issue · 6 comments

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Platform Details

Vagrant 2.0.2 running CentOS 7.3


Installing PECL packages

Steps to Reproduce:

packages = {
    'yaf' => '2.3.5',
    'cassandra' => '1.3.2'

packages.each do |package, version|
    php_pear package do
        version version
        action :install

Expected Result:

Install packages, as it always did before :P

Actual Result:

==> default: [2018-04-07T22:38:27+00:00] FATAL: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: php_pear[yaf] (MyVM::php line 39) had an error: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'
" | pear -d preferred_state=stable install -a yaf-2.3.5 ----
==> default: STDOUT: No releases available for package "" - package pecl/yaf can be installed with "pecl install yaf"
==> default: install failed
==> default: STDERR: 
" | pear -d preferred_state=stable install -a yaf-2.3.5 ----
" | pear -d preferred_state=stable install -a yaf-2.3.5 returned 1


When I added channel '' it worked fine. So it looks like ya'll just need to update the documentation if this is the intended behavior, or also search the PECL channel by default (how I assume it used to work?). Otherwise, the documented examples will not work, because those are not PECL libraries (xdebug, apc, etc.)


PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib64/php/modules/' - /usr/lib64/php/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib64/php/modules/' - /usr/lib64/php/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Nobody else is seeing this? Upgraded to 5.1 and bam, broken. Disappointing.

hrak commented

Adding channel '' to the php_pear resource indeed works to get the extension compiled, but the extension doesn't get configured (no ini put in place, no phpenmod on debian/ubuntu)

Also v5.1.0 is missing the node['php']['pear'] attribute introduced by #229 so it looks like v.5.1.0 is just generally broken.

hrak commented

The reason the ini doesn't get put in place is because the logic behind the pecl? function has changed.

in <= v4.6.0 the logic was this:

if grep_for_version(shell_out(node['php']['pear'] + search_args).stdout, @new_resource.package_name)
elsif grep_for_version(shell_out(node['php']['pecl'] + search_args).stdout, @new_resource.package_name)
  raise "Package #{@new_resource.package_name} not found in either PEAR or PECL."

In >= v5.0.0 the logic changed to:

if grep_for_version(shell_out(new_resource.binary + search_args).stdout, new_resource.package_name)
elsif grep_for_version(shell_out(node['php']['pecl'] + search_args).stdout, new_resource.package_name)
  raise "Package #{new_resource.package_name} not found in either PEAR or PECL."

This is all fine if you consider that new_resource.binary defaults to pear anyway. In that case there is no change in the logic (it will check pear with desired state stable in the default channel for a particular extension, and if there is a hit, it will return false to indicate that this is a pear package instead of a pecl package)

So as long as you don't set the channel to '' all goes well. If you do set the channel to (as we do to get the package to install at all) it will run pear -d preferred_state=stable search -c <packagename>, which will result in a positive hit, but the first if condition in the pecl? function will return false.

Having to set the channel to get pecl extensions to install at all is caused by the removal of a bit of logic when the providers were converted into custom resources. The old providers used to have this bit of logic in the load_current_resource method to be sort-of-smart on detecting if something is pecl or pear and override which binary to use accordingly. See for that

  @bin = node['php']['pear']
  if pecl?
    Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} smells like a pecl...installing package in Pecl mode.")
    @bin = node['php']['pecl']

@hrak the PECL module should work on ubuntu with #245 . I added some PECL examples to, which currently require a binary or channel param for PECL packages


I am closing this issue as it is reported as resolved, if it is not please do re-open it


lock commented

This thread has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs.