
Pecl module installed but not activated

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Cookbook version


Chef-client version


Platform Details

Ubuntu 18.04


Mcrypt install for php 7.2

Steps to Reproduce:

    "pecl": {
        "packages": {
            "mcrypt": "1.0.2"
node['pecl']['packages'].each do |package, version|
    php_pear package do
        version version
        action :install
        binary 'pecl'

Expected Result:

I want to see activated module in php -m

Actual Result:

pecl list
Installed packages, channel
Package Version State
mcrypt  1.0.2   snapshot

No config in /etc/php/7.2/mods-available/ and no result if run php -m | grep mcrypt

I fixed this issue by changes in resources/pear.rb
Line 233-236:

if grep_for_version(shell_out(new_resource.binary + search_args).stdout, new_resource.package_name)
elsif grep_for_version(shell_out(node['php']['pecl'] + search_args).stdout, new_resource.package_name)

Changed to:

if grep_for_version(shell_out(new_resource.binary + search_args).stdout, new_resource.package_name) || 
grep_for_version(shell_out(node['php']['pecl'] + search_args).stdout, new_resource.package_name)

I don't sure that it's right way. Please let me know if you have a solution.

I hit this problem using PHP cookbook 6.1.1 and Chef Client 14.10.9

Resource definition

php_pear 'amqp' do
  version '1.9.4'
  preferred_state 'stable'
  binary 'pecl'

Patch for resources/pear.rb

        if grep_for_version(shell_out(new_resource.binary + search_args).stdout, new_resource.package_name)
-          false
+          if new_resource.binary.include? 'pecl'
+            true
+          else
+            false
+          end

The pecl? code used to only test pear packages in the first conditional test, but when the binary param was added, this conditional test was not updated to support cases where binary was not the default value. I'm happy to roll this change into a PR if desired

lock commented

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