
Answer prompted questions when installing pecl

Opened this issue · 2 comments

🗣️ Foreword

Hi, I'm having a problem to install a pecl because I can't answer the prompted questions.

:person_frowning: Problem Statement

When installing the pecl redis ( on the command line with pecl install redis, I get prompted some questions (in this case, to enable igbinary serializer support):

# pecl install redis
downloading redis-3.1.6.tgz ...
Starting to download redis-3.1.6.tgz (199,920 bytes)
..............done: 199,920 bytes
20 source files, building
running: phpize
Configuring for:
PHP Api Version:         20131106
Zend Module Api No:      20131226
Zend Extension Api No:   220131226
enable igbinary serializer support? [no] :

I need to somehow answer yes to this question.

❔ Possible Solution

Allow me to answer yes to the question. One option on the command line is yes | pecl install redis

⤴️ Describe alternatives you've considered

I didn't managed to get it working by playing with the available options.

➕ Additional context

At the moment I install it with php_pear like so:

php_pear "redis" do
  action :install
  version "5.2.2"
  channel ''

Is there a way of answering it on the CLI automatically?

Is there a way of answering it on the CLI automatically?

This was created a while ago so I can't test it right now. Some Stack Overflow replies led to the yes | solution mentioned above, but that's insufficient (users might not want to reply to all questions with yes). But this answer makes me believe that if we could pass the parameter --configureoptions with desired values to pecl, then it would work, and users would only need to check which options are supported by the package they're installing (in my case,

Link to the PECL manual that describes these options: