sous-chefs/sql_server clarification regarding SA Password

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi there

Firstly thanks for working on this cookbook, I hope it will save me a lot of time in the future :)

Could like to clarifiy a point in the

The installation is done using the package resource and ConfigurationFile generated from a template resource. The installation is slightly opinionated and does the following:

    Enables Mixed Mode (Windows Authentication and SQL Server Authentication) authentication
    Auto-generates and sets a strong password for the 'sa' account
    sets a static TCP port which is configurable via an attribute, using the sql_server::configure recipe.

I can't seem to see where the SA password is being generated, is that the case? or should this be removed from the readme?

Thanks again

Best Regards


That should be removed from the README. Thanks! And we should also update the examples to show the correct attribute to populate with the sa password. (though setting that via an attribute may be the wrong behavior - that's another issue entirely).

tas50 commented

I’m adding the Type: Jump In GitHub label to this issue. This is a great issue for someone to get their feet wet with and we’d love a PR to resolves the issue.

The password implementation is here:

It takes parameters like:


And escapes special characters, then injects them into the packages installation:

options "/q /ConfigurationFile=#{config_file_path} AGTSVCPASSWORD=foo RSSVCPASSWORD=bar SQLSVCPASSWORD=buzz