
Official repository of the "ReSTR: Convolution-Free Referring Image Segmentation Using Transformers (CVPR'22)"

Primary LanguagePython

ReSTR: Convolution-Free Referring Image Segmentation Using Transformers


This repository contains the official source code for our paper:
ReSTR: Convolution-Free Referring Image Segmentation Using Transformers
Namyup Kim1, Dongwon Kim1, Cuiling Lan2, Wenjun Zeng2, and Suha Kwak1
1POSTECH CSE, 2Microsoft Research Asia
CVPR, 2022.

Environment setup

  • Python 3.7.13
  • PyTorch 1.13.1+cu117


conda env create -f restr.yaml
conda activate restr

Data Setup

1. Setting

  • Download or use symlink, such that the MS COCO images are under data/coco/images/train2014/
  • Download or use symlink, such that the ReferItGame data are under data/referit/images and data/referit/mask
  • Download, git clone, or use symlink, such that refer is under external. Then strictly follow the Setup and Download section of its README. Also, put the refer folder in PYTHONPATH as export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/my/restr/path/external/refer
  • Download, git clone, or use symlink, such that the MS COCO API is under external (i.e. external/coco/PythonAPI/pycocotools)

2. Data preparation

python build_batches.py -d Gref -t train --img-size 480
python build_batches.py -d Gref -t val --img-size 480
python build_batches.py -d unc -t train --img-size 480
python build_batches.py -d unc -t val --img-size 480
python build_batches.py -d unc -t testA --img-size 480
python build_batches.py -d unc -t testB --img-size 480
python build_batches.py -d unc+ -t train --img-size 480
python build_batches.py -d unc+ -t val --img-size 480
python build_batches.py -d unc+ -t testA --img-size 480
python build_batches.py -d unc+ -t testB --img-size 480
python build_batches.py -d referit -t trainval --img-size 480
python build_batches.py -d referit -t test --img-size 480

3. Directory Structure After Sutup and Data Preparation

├─ ./data              
      ├─ mscoco   
      │   ├─ Gref_480_batch
      │   │   ├─ train_batch
      │   │   |     ├─ Gref_train_0.npz
      │   │   |     ├─ Gref_train_1.npz
      │   │   |     └─ ...
      |   |   ├─ train_image
      │   │   ├─ train_label 
      │   │   ├─ val_batch
      │   │   ├─ val_image
      │   │   └─ val_label
      │   ├─ unc_480_batch
      │   └─ unc+_480_batch
      ├─ referit
      │   └─ referit_480_batch
      │       ├─ trainval_batch
      │       └─ text_batch
      ├─ Gref_emb.npy
      ├─ referit_emb.npy
      ├─ vocabulary_Gref.txt
      └─ vocabulary_referit.txt


python train_restr.py --data_dir ./data/mscoco/Gref_480_batch --adamW
python train_restr.py --data_dir ./data/mscoco/unc_480_batch --adamW
python train_restr.py --data_dir ./data/mscoco/unc+_480_batch --adamW
python train_restr.py --data_dir ./data/referit/referit_480_batch --set trainval --valset test --adamW


cd eval
python evaluate.py --data_dir ../data/mscoco/Gref_batch --restore_refseg ../weights/test --set val --iters 25000 --input-size 480,480 --is_vis


  title={Restr: Convolution-free referring image segmentation using transformers},
  author={Kim, Namyup and Kim, Dongwon and Lan, Cuiling and Zeng, Wenjun and Kwak, Suha},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},


This code is built upon the following public repositories.