Loading ports automatically 'Exit'
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CrumpetCrusader commented
Hi All
When ever I load ports, the screen fades to black, flashes the retro oz wallpaper with the word 'Exiting' in top right corner and sends me back to game/port selection menu!?
any ideas on how to fix this?
I've tried using ready to run ports from PortMaster (0.6) like 2048 and Metroid and self installed ones like SM64, Stardew and coresixth, all with correct DATA files, also I've got the 3 PortMaster files in tools>PortMaster folder, not sure if that's correct.
I had Ports running before on 0.5 but then the system got into a boot loop so I reinstalled a fresh Retro oz 0.6 image and not been able to run ports since!?
I'm on a RGB10 MAX w/ Samsung 256, retro oz 0.6.