
Enhance Docker file

Opened this issue · 5 comments

a-fox commented

As started in the Sovring forum (, the Dockerfile needs to be enhanced. Some thoughts in how to make it better:

  • optimized base image
  • use separate image for orientdb daemon
  • use Docker compose (for linking images)
  • minimize need of scripts & run them from separate file

Please add requirements in comments (@dhh1128 & anybody else) on what things are must (Linux distro, specific library versions, etc.). I probably won't have time to do too much testing & failing to find the correct libraries, so this would help me quite a bit.

For the time being, I recommend we start from a ubuntu 14.04 image as the base, because that is the most tested path. However, I believe using a debian image as the base would give us a cleaner and smaller image in the long run, so I'd like to explore switching at some point. See for more details about this point, as well as some recommendations about the use of RUN in the Dockerfile, etc.

Older versions of libraries have not been tested extensively--that's another reason to start from ubuntu 14 for the time being. Perhaps we could dump a list of the libraries used in the latest docker image, and use that list of libraries to document a "minimum required version" for each. No doubt some older versions would also work, so we could move the minimum versions backward in some cases as we get greater experience.

BTW, I modified the docker files slightly today, including some renaming and some internal reorg. I also build a new version of sovrinfoundation/sovrin:latest and pushed to dockerhub. A few of the desirable changes, such as reducing the number of layers, were completed.

Please, have a look at

The Dockerfile is quite clean and has fewer layers. The image itself can be tested with:

docker run --net=host -ti bacen/sovrin sovrin

I think that Java8 and OrientDB, if/when needed, should be in another container. If the "all-in-one" approach is desirable, even then I would put them in a derived image (keep the slim one as a choice).

Thank you, @andrefernandes ! Very nice.

Can you submit a pull request that places your file in the sovrin-foundation/sovrin repo at docker-files/Dockerfile-client? We can then publish this image as sovrinfoundation/sovrin-client on dockerhub, and rename the other image to sovrinfoundation/sovrin-all. Does that seem like a good approach?